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안드로이드에서 엑셀 파일 사용하기

import java.io.File; 
import java.util.Date; 
import jxl.*; 


Workbook workbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File("myfile.xls"));

(NOTE: when creating a spreadsheet from a ServletInputStream you must remove the HTTP header information before creating the Workbook object.) 

Once you have accessed the workbook, you can use this to access the individual sheets. These are zero indexed - the first sheet being 0, the second sheet being 1, and so on. (You can also use the API to retrieve a sheet by name). 

Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(0);

Once you have a sheet, you can then start accessing the cells. You can retrieve the cell's contents as a string by using the convenience method getContents(). In the example code below, A1 is a text cell, B2 is numerical value and C2 is a date. The contents of these cells may be accessed as follows 

Cell a1 = sheet.getCell(0,0); 
Cell b2 = sheet.getCell(1,1); 
Cell c2 = sheet.getCell(2,1); 

String stringa1 = a1.getContents(); 
String stringb2 = b2.getContents(); 
String stringc2 = c2.getContents(); 

// Do stuff with the strings etc 

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